5’™ min
Dinâmica Não-Linear [Nonlinear Dynamics] exhibition at CCBB-São Paulo, Brazil (sole exhibition of Hector Zamora
in exhibition until January 2nd 2017
150 people dressed in black lean on the banister of the Centro Cultural Bancodo Brasil in absolute silence. They carry a book, also black, from which they starttearing off pages one by one, to then let them fall into the free space. The soundof the pages being torn invades the hall. Later on, the books, with their pagescarelessly recovered and put back into them, are left on a table, as if waiting forsomething to happen, while the sound of the ‘rupture’ lingers in the free spaceas an almost tangible vivid memory. The performance/sound piece idealizedby Zamora for the CCBB remains programmatically open, without leading to onlyone way of interpreting it. On one hand, it summarizes in clear way the Zeitgeist,the spirit of our times, as it generates an intangible and elusive sensation ofdissatisfaction and oppression akin to what many of us feel while reflectingupon the world we live in. On the other, the rupture carries a utopic messageof catharsis and liberation. The bravery needed to tear off the pages is the onethat can save us. Through these ripped books, the artist seems to say thatwe will be able to start again, or, paraphrasing T.S. Eliot: these fragments we willshore against our ruins.