Title: Credibility Crisis
Year: 2010 2011
Dimensions: 300 x 575 x 575 cm
Technique: wind cones, fans, and steel
Exhibition:Wasser Straße Schiene Luft – Mobilität am Bodensee
Place: Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen GmbHS, Germany
In this piece, the sound coming out of the fans and the movement of the fabric are the way the air is viewable and experienced by the audience. The piece proposes all these directions as possibilities without suggesting that one is better than another. “Crisis de credibilidad”, which sounds like a familiar headline, seems to be one that does not spare any part of society: governments, stock markets, religious institutions, media’¦ The wind rose is thus taken as a metaphor for this pressure one can feel about the new / better / opposite directions in which we are pushed to take part while being lost in the numerous appealing proposals that are made available to us.